
13 minute read

For part three of my journey in using OpenTelemetry (Otel) with Sinatra I am upgrading to the 0.6.0 release of the OTel gems to get many new features, adding instrumentation to VMPooler, and learning what not to do. Part 3 also includes opening several issues and making my first code contribution to opentelemetry-ruby. Lastly, I will be sharing some more complete code examples showing how all the bits are configured. » Read more

  Gene Liverman         

9 minute read

For part two of my journey in using OpenTelemetry (Otel) with Sinatra I am replacing my Lightstep instrumentation with the OTel version. Besides updating the instrumentation, I am also deploying production instances of an OTel Collector and Jaeger. The goal of part 2 is to have my first three applications shipping traces to both a local Jaeger instance and to Lightstep in both test and production and to have Jaeger included in the Docker compose workflows used during development. » Read more

  Gene Liverman         

2 minute read

My favorite personal project is an application called PiWeatherRock… or it was before I dove in head-first working to update it and create a community for it’s users. Tons of enthusiasm morphed into something else » Read more

  Gene Liverman         

9 minute read

OpenTelemetry (aka OTel) is becoming the standard for distributed tracing. This is the first in a multi-part series where I will document my trials, tribulations, and successes along the road of using OTel to instrument multiple applications. The first few are all ruby applications and some that I hope to be able to do later are written in Java. My goal is to instrument the applications using one or more standards-compliant libraries and then send the spans to an OTel collector. The OTel collector will then send them on to one or more backends such as Jaeger, Lightstep, and/or Datadog. » Read more

  Gene Liverman         
Disclaimer: All code, opinion and information on this blog are my personal view and do not represent or relate my past and / or current employer's view and / or business insides in any way.